Chikage, my laptop, has had a really annoying issue where its fan would rattle like mad whenever it gets too hot. This has been going on since around March, probably earlier.
So I took it back to Best Buy back in July, since I have a two-year warranty on it... and found out that they'd have to send it into the shop and I'd probably lose all my saved whatevers.
Now, the only things I actually keep on Chikage are games and random episodes of whatever that I've downloaded and have yet to watch, but yeah. It took forever for me to back all my shit up, and then I kept dicking around for months since the prospect of not having a laptop for a prolonged period of time is kind of ugh to think of.
But yesterday, I finally got around to taking it back to the store... and the fan would not fucking rattle, despite having done that shit right before I left the house.
So yeah, bullshit. And the guy at the store said that they'd end up charging me $30 if they couldn't reproduce it themselves so bah.
So I left the damned thing on overnight, and then ran Youyou Kengeki Musou at full specs since that is a CPU-killer... and yay.
Went into the store, the guy at the counter was a total bro and gave me no hassle at all, and now I am out a laptop for at least two weeks.