Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kuttsukiboshi (part 1) I finally got around to watching Kuttsukiboshi.

I first heard about it sometime last year, but it wasn't out yet and so I put it in the back of my mind... and then I stumbled across the official site again last week and after going ガチ百合キタァァァ~ (ノ>ω<)ノ  for a bit, I went about obtaining the first episode.

So... holy shit that was a lot dirtier than I was expecting. Still nice, though. And the end... GOD DAMN IT WHEN THE FUCK DOES THE SECOND PART COME OUT I NEED TO KNOW HOW THIS SHIT ENDS GAAAAAAAAH.

Just... goddamn. Cliffhangers are bad enough on their own, but they're especially AGH-inducing in indie projects like this which have a tendency to not get completed. >_<

But once the second part is released (knock on wood), I will buy that shit right the fuck away, no question.

Even if it ends badly.

Please don't end badly. ;0;

On another note, Mingos played Kiiko in this... she's been in quite a bit of yuri stuff lately. Not that I'm complaining, though.

Kind of a shame that they didn't have her do the ED theme since, you know, MINGOS.

But meh, it was probably budget stuff or whatever.

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