Been playing Hakuisei Renai Shoukougun lately, hereforth shortened to "shirokoi" because I am too lazy to type out the entire title every time.
It's pretty nice so far, though the beginning was reeeeally technical. Random medical terms EVERYWHERE. Fortunately, they have a popup glossary thing for most of the uncommon terms, which really helps out. Haven't played a game that had one of those since Alicematic.
Mainchara Kaori was a bit annoying at first, since she had a tendency to freak out every time someone mentioned something like the importance of not mixing up drug names and whatnot, which is aagh because DID YOU NOT GRADUATE FROM NURSING SCHOOL HOW THE HELL DO YOU NOT KNOW THIS STUFF!?
I mean, shit.
I know most of the stuff they talk about (I do have like five nurses in my immediate family, but still), but there should be a better way to bring it up in-game than making the protagonist seem completely incompetent.
But meh, her dumbness level has steadily gone down as I've progressed, and Sayuri's really been getting at her about it now that she's shown up.
My main issue thus far is that I started the game with no opinion as to who to go after, and then the kansaiben-speaking Yamanouchi won me over... but I found out upon some poking around that she doesn't actually get a route to herself. >_<
BAH. I hate it when shit like this happens, now I'm probably going to get a Bad End.