Here be my aforementioned DS tsumige pile. I made a point back in January to finally finish it, and now I have so wahoo.
First was Devil Survivor, which I've had since around August of 2009. (that year sucked for various reasons.) I walked the path of Shura and cleared it in January.
Then was Dragon Quest V, which a friend got me for Christmas two years ago. Japanese version because why the hell not. And the shit I found out later about its localization really bugged the hell out of me, so that really was for the best.
Really good game, it kept me from doing much else while I was playing it. Though Jesus Christ that game was depressing as hell. Its main character had like the shittiest life ever.
Then I finished off Black Sigil, ehich I've had since launch. It was pretty enjoyable despite its faults. I kind of wish there was more of an epilogue, but it did do well with showing what hapened to the characters after the final boss was killed so eh.
Then was Mugen no Frontier, which started out as a goofy fanservice game in the beginning and then changed into HOLY SHIT HAKEN IS SUCH A MAN in the end bits. I'm going to have to get the ssequel eventually.
And finally was Mugen Kouro, which I've already gone over.
It's nice to finally clear a stack of games like that, but now I have nothing to play... I could get back to my PS2 games, but meh.
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