I just got done watching Kamen Rider Agito: Project G4, after putting it off for... ten years. Yay me.
It was actually really good, too. I was expecting it to be merely meh like a lot of Rider movies get, but it turned out as more or less a really long higher-budget episode of the TV show, so all was good.
High points:
Gills getting his arm torn clean off and then growing that shit back like motherfucking PICCOLO before going Exceed and murdering the hell out of an Unknown.
Main theme (24/7 version) queueing up as Shining Agito finishes off the Queen Ant Unknown.
MANLY BATTLE OF MANLINESS between G3-X and G4, culminating in Ozawa telling him that G3-X has no way to win against the technically superior G4, so he should instead fight as HIKAWA MAKOTO.
Then we get Kaname Jun in-suit, battle damaged, fighting in the climax of the film. That shit was SO AWESOME.
I don't care what anyone says, Hikawa is the real main character of that show.
...oh, and FUJIOKA MOTHERFUCKING HIROSHI, as the head of the police department, telling Shouichi to fight in his stead. My soul nearly exploded from how awesome that was.
So yeah, good movie. Now I can finally get around to finishing the show.