Yeah... now that I have Koron, I'm really glad that Marisa was my first Pureneemo. Koron is of a FAR higher level of quality than Marisa, and I would have been seriously disappointed if I'd already been used to said level.

Marisa's outfit.
Everything's pretty simple velcro and elastic, though her skirt does have a clasp and the apron is fastened by a metal snap.

Koron's outfit.
Her main dress has an actual zipper, the apron bit has both clasps and snaps, the collar and ribbon are clasps and the rest is elastic. Doesn't look like horribly much on a table like this, but it has a LOT of volume when it's all on her.
Marisa's, on the other hand, is exactly what it looks like. :/
Probably the biggest surprise when I got Koron was the hair. She has like twice the actual amount as Marisa, and it's also rooted lower so I don't have to worry about it looking weird.
So yeah. Koron is crazy high quality, far more than I was expecting. Cute as hell too.
I still heart Marisa, though.

Switched them just because, and I am never doing it again. I have a newfound respect for blogpeoples who do daily pictures of them in different outfits each day. orz